Deck Treatments & Maintenance

We are experts in bringing your old deck back to life and your new deck looking a million dollars

Why oil my deck?

All decks and outdoor timbers require maintenance. The amount of maintenance is specific to your deck, ie. How much sun, rain, pool splashing affects your deck. As a rule of thumb uncovered decks need an oiling treatment every year, covered decks will be safe for a coating every second year

timber decking

Price guide

Size: 6 metres by 4 metres
Materials: Deck treatment
Min: $1000
Max: $1500

$1000.00 – $1500.00

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Oils or Acrylic?

At Deking we only recommend acrylic for a number of reasons;

  1. Environmentally friendly
  2. Ease of use
  3. More extensive colour range
  4. Quicker drying time
  5. Clean up is a breeze
  6. Last up to 3-5 times of a conventional oils
  7. 12 month guarantee.

We follow the Intergrain 3 step process for deck treatments which includes

  1. Powerprep to remove any remaining tannin stains
  2. Reviva to clean and brighten the timbers
  3. 3 coats of Ultradeck with the final coat being anti slip when requested

Intergrain Deck

UltraDeck Colours

Call us to bring your old deck back to life

If your deck needs a freshen up or a complete overhaul we can help. From a complete sand, back to bare timber to remove flaking and previous failed coatings to just an annual treatment to keep it at its best.

The first sign that your deck needs an oiling treatment is to check if water beads, splash a little water on your deck and if it soaks in, give us a call!

We can advise on the best finishes including anti slip coatings for pool surrounds and entrance ways

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