Quote Calculator

Deck Calculators and Patio Roof Cost Calculators

This Decking Calculator estimates your Dream Deck price in a few simple steps

Build your dream deck with Deking today. To get an accurate idea of how much your dream deck costs, use our easy online quote system. It can issue you with an estimate to build a deck within seconds.

Our decking calculator cost estimator is easy to use – simply fill in your details, such as the size of deck you require in meters and your contact details.

Please note: This deck calculator is an estimate only – variations such as specific timber, shape of the deck, site location/slope etc all have weighting on the final decking cost.

Why not Add a Patio Roof?

There are 3 Patio Roof Cost Calculator options. The “Patio roof flyover or attached” option is ideal if you already have a deck and just want a roof or if you want a carport or pergols structure. You also have two options that give combinded deck and patio roof estimates. Our patio calculator gives you an estimate in a few simple steps.

Deking creates dream patio roofs that make a huge difference to our clients lifestyle. This online quote system is easy to use and will give you an estimate within a few seconds for adding a patio roof.

All you need to do is fill in the form with the required information such as the size of the patio roof in meters. Then if you want insulation or a non insulated roof. Finally your contact details so we can send the quote to you.

Please note: This calculator will only give you an estimate for your patio roof cost – variations such as specific steel or timber posts,site location/heights, shape of the patio, etc can all impact the final cost to build your patio roof.

Contact DeKing for a Fixed Price

Contact us to get a fixed price decking and roofing quote that is more specific than what you can get with the calculator. A quote that takes all your unique factors into account. In the meantime take a look at our galleries of decks, patios and pergolas. You can also read more about our finance options.